Lovers Tarot
Present Situation
Ten of Cups
Briefly: This card symbolises great happiness and contentment.
Full Meaning: This card shows a cup, held in a man’s hand, and joined by a woman’s hand, as they appear to be about to sip together from the liquid in the cup, as if sharing in a celebration of some wonderful event. There is a rainbow in the background and several tall, green trees, some shrubs, beside a river and with mountains in the far distance. The sky is blue and the day looks warm as in Springtime. There are 9 cups across the sky in front of the rainbow. This card symbolises great happiness and contentment. Two people are brought together in unison and peace to share a special time in their lives. A joint project has obviously reached fruition and they are proud of their achievements and wish to celebrate in grand style. If you draw this card you may rest assured, that even though it took a long time to get where you are, it has all been worth the effort and the energy expended. You can relax in your new found comfort zone and pursue your other objectives with peace of mind, knowing that your life is now more secure than it has ever been.
Your World
Page of Cups
Briefly: Time to discover some new career direction that will lead you towards prosperity.
Full Meaning: The picture on this card is of a youngish person, who is often male, though this can indicate a female. He is colourfully dressed and wears a hat and some plumage in it. He carries some red flowers, and a cup with a fish jumping about in it. He looks content and yet very innocent. He could be about to embark on a new career or had just graduated from college, university or from law school. He is clean shaven, either blue or black eyes and has lovely sleek hair. He loves to wear bright coloured clothing which reflects his warmth and compassion for others. If you draw this card and the person is yourself, you may discover some new career direction that will lead you towards prosperity. If it is someone else, they could become very important to you, either by becoming your new best friend, or your lover or husband/wife. This person is also highly sensitive and should therefore only mix with people who are positive and enthusiastic. There may also be some special occasion coming up where you have to put on your best threads.
Your Lover's World
Six of Wands
Briefly: You are about to be recognised or honoured in some way for your talents and achievements.
Full Meaning: This is a victory card, so if you draw this in your reading you are about to be recognised or honoured in some way for your talents and achievements. People will look to your for inspiration and possibly leadership. You may also be considering doing some travelling or certainly exploring further options as they arise, rather than let them slip through your fingers. You could be given the directorship of a company or other exciting challenge to meet. You will be compensated for your talents in such a way that there is now no going back to your old defeatist ways.
Nature of Issues
Five of Pentacles
Briefly: You may be called upon to help someone in need and this may be financial help.
Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a woman who is wearing a scarf covering her head and shoulders. She is comforting a young man who has a bloodied bandage around his head. His left hand is also injured and bandaged. He carries a long stick in his left hand to assist him walking. The woman looks concerned for the young man and wishes to protect him from life’s harsh experiences. In the background is a large disc containing five pentacles. If you draw this card you may be called upon to help someone in need and this may be financial help. You would be wise to question the motives of this person, just in case they are leaning on you too heavily, whereas they should be standing on their own two feet.
Ace of Cups
Briefly: There is some abundance coming into the life of the person who draws this card. Whatever is wished for will be granted
Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a large cup being held in a hand and in the cup the contents are flowing over the side and in the background is a large white done. There is a watery background and some flowers and greenery. This symbolises that there is some abundance coming into the life of the person who draws this card. Whatever is wished for will be granted. Either a new love, a new location or other significant new start is possible and will occur within a relatively short span of time. If the health has not been so good, then this will be improved radically. If you have your sights set on some specific accomplishment, it is likely to be achieved. Take a leap of faith and trust in the future.
Lessons and Signs
King of Cups
Briefly: A proposal or proposition.
Full Meaning: This card shows a man dressed in armour. He is holding a cup, as if offering it to someone on front of him. In the background is a blue sky, a river and some mountains and lush green trees and grass. It appears to be a Spring day. The man is clean shaven and good looking. He wears his uniform proudly. If this is you, then you may be about to propose to the object of your affection. If this is someone you know, then you may be on the receiving end of a proposal or proposition from this man. He is affectionate and caring and offers his pledge with sincerity and love. There could also be a new job offer and this may also involve a place at a distance.
Your Hopes, Fears and Desires
Two of Swords
Briefly: There are decisions to be made.
Full Meaning: To draw this card shows that there are decisions to be made. However all the facts may not be in at this point in time. There could be something about to crop up that you are not aware of and it may come to light later. Often something is not seen in the clear light of day or there is an unknown factor involved. Time is often of the essence and it is usually worth waiting it out for awhile to see what may arise to clarify the issue. Making a decision with all the facts is much easier than with only half the information.
Sometimes this card can indicate a problem with the eyes. Maybe an operation will be required, an injury may occur, or glasses need to be prescribed, or new glasses or some other matter involving the eyesight.
If this card is not you, or is unlikely to represent any situation directly involving you, then it is possible that it may relate to someone close to you. They may need your insight, or wisdom to help them sort out a dilemma they are in. There may be a situation where someone has to choose between two differing options and is not sure which is the most appropriate one to select.
Your Lover's Hopes, Fears and Desires
Four of Swords
Briefly: It is time to take a rest, have a break, maybe have a holiday or in some other way remove yourself from current pressures.
Full Meaning: Initially when you draw this card, it is telling you to take a rest, have a break, maybe have a holiday or in some other way remove yourself from current pressures. You may be run-down, tired, and now it is time to be a little contemplative and to take it easy for awhile. The daily routine has become too demanding or even mundane and you need a change, any change will do. If you have been feeling unwell, it may be time to consult a doctor, a surgeon or even a dentist. Often it can indicate needing an injection, or cutting implements may be needed, as in surgery of some kind, or medications. This is a good time to start looking after yourself, and protecting yourself against such things as getting an infection or fever. Antibiotics may be needed or a tonic or some vitamins. Some people just need to get more sleep or rest. Your lungs may need attention at this time or you are experiencing some type of respiratory problem. If this is the case, then seek help in the early stages to avoid any long-term health problem and your recovery will be quick.
Queen of Cups
Briefly: You could be about to achieve a position that is very dear to your heart or perhaps child birth or a wedding.
Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a beautiful woman, dressed in a gown that could be a wedding dress. This is holding a cup between her hands as if she has just been given this by someone in front of her. She has lovely blonde hair that is braided and she wears pearl earrings and some pearls around her hair. She wears an elaborate head dressing and there is a large fan in the background. She is stood beside the ocean. If this is you, then you may be about to get married or even have your first child. You are sensitive and caring and very family orientated. You are immaculately well groomed and have great pride in your appearance. You could be about to achieve a position that is very dear to your heart. If this is not you, then someone you know already, or whom you are about to meet, who is described by this card is about to enter your life and make a huge impact on your lifestyle.
Page of Wands
Briefly: Time to go where angels fear to tread and live.
Full Meaning: What a gorgeous young man depicted on this card. He looks romantic and adventurous and daring to go out there and conquer the world and meet his destiny, wherever that may be and with whoever he is yet to meet. He is warm and sensitive and challenged by the adventure of life itself. He knows no fears for he is too young yet to know what that means. He is daring and forthright and persistent to get his needs met. He likes to travel far and wide and will not be restrained by what others want him to do. His life is his own and he knows that he alone owns it. He cannot tolerate lies, deception or unwholesomeness. He welcomes change and will go off on a tangent and leave town on a whim. He knows no boundaries of mind or soul. He has gained some skills in life and has a feather in his cap, so to speak. He will go where angels fear to tread and live the simple life if at all possible. He is poetic and also loves life and learning new skills.